Monthly Subscriptions
Enjoy seamless, ongoing stress relief, healing, spiritual connection and peace.
Holy Fire® Reiki subscriptions will help you attain and maintain balance, focused healing and serenity.
Balance Level
A Holy Fire® Reiki healing session suffuses your body with a very pure, high vibrational energy, releasing stress and balancing the flow your own body's energy. This monthly subscription provides ongoing healing and support to your system with: 1) a one-hour infusion of Reiki energy (in person or virtual) each month, 2) followed by one half-hour distance healing session two weeks later, and 3) a one-time Holy Fire-guided meditation video to view whenever you wish.
Balance Level Subscription - $175/month
Contact Gail to subscribe and schedule your first session.
Focus Level
An Intense Healing Session brings in the high frequency, highly focused energies of a Holy Fire® Healing Meditation for healing specific issues, releasing negative energies and empowering goals, followed by a full Reiki healing session. This subscription provides ongoing focused healing with: 1) one 90-minute Intense Healing session (in person or virtual) each month, 2) followed by one half-hour distance healing session two weeks later, and 3) a one-time Holy Fire-guided meditation video to view whenever you wish.
Focus Level Subscription - $200/month
Contact Gail to subscribe and schedule your first session.
Serenity Level
The high frequency, highly focused energies of a Holy Fire® Healing Meditation and a full Reiki session combine in an Intense Healing session to target specific issues, release negative energies and empower goals. This subscription provides ever an ever-increasing experience of guidance, serenity and ease with: 1) one 90-minute Intense Healing session (in person or virtual) each month, 2) the support of weekly half-hour distance healing sessions on each of the following weeks, and 3) a one-time Holy Fire-guided meditation video.
Serenity Level Subscription - $305/month
Contact Gail to subscribe and schedule your first session.
Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are the registered service marks of William Lee Rand.